Finally, I would like to remind you to pay stamp tax on the contract of transfer. 最后,我提醒你股权转让合同别忘了缴印花税。
Some state statutes impose special taxes, usually in the form of stamp tax, on sales of stock. 有些州的法规对股票销售征收特种税,通常是以印花税的形式征收。
State media said late Thursday that a0.1 percent stamp tax on buying shares would be abolished, although an equivalent tax on share sales would remain. 据国家媒体上周四晚间的报道,现行税率为千分之一的证券(股票)买入印花税将被取消,证券(股票)卖出方印花税仍按原有税率计征。
Real estate tax, fee for use of ground, deed tax, stamp tax, vehicle license tax, and etc. 房地产税?场地使用费?契税印花税?车辆使用牌照税等。
The tax system of the current security is taken the stamp tax of the stock exchange as its main type of tax. 我国目前的证券税制以证券交易印花税为主体税种。
Circular of the State Council Concerning the Adjustment of the Sharing Ratio Between the Central and Local Governments of the Stamp Tax for Dealing in Securities 关于调整证券交易印花税中央与地方分享比例的通知
What can buy a stock exchange to appear on the market is enclosed fund, receive commission not to collect stamp tax only. 可以购买证券交易所上市的封闭式基金,只收佣金不收印花税。
Your company should make a supplementary payment for stamp tax. 请您公司补缴印花税。
Raising the stamp tax is seen as a relatively cautious move and investors feel the major risk to the market has been removed, at least temporarily. 提高印花税被认为是一个相对谨慎的措施,投资者感觉到市场的重大风险已经消除,至少暂时消除了。
I.The stamp tax on the capital accounts newly established by the Protection Fund Corporation shall be exempted. 对保护基金公司新设立的资金账簿免征印花税。
Payment for buying bonds, including the payment for tax and fees such as stamp tax and capital gains tax; 买入债券支付的价款,包括支付的印花税、资本利得税等税费;
Study on Impact of Stamp Tax on Security Exchange on Stock Price Volatility 证券交易印花税对股市波动性影响的实证研究
Raising the stamp tax was a relatively minor move but it had a huge psychological effect and investors decided to secure their profits rather than wait for new government measures. 提高印花税是一个相对小的举措,但是,它有着巨大的心理影响,投资者决定保护他们的股票收益,而不是等待政府再出新措施。
The securities transaction stamp tax rate was reduced and the stamp tax on stock purchases was scrapped. 下调证券交易印花税税率并改为单边征收。
Among all the problems that impede the healthy development of the stock market, the current stamp tax stands out as the one that requires adjustment the most. 在阻碍证券市场健康发展的众多问题中,目前印花税是最需要调整的一个问题。
China will raise the stamp tax on securities trading from the current 0.1 percent to 0.3 percent beginning Wednesday. 中国将把证券交易的印花税从当前的0.1%提高到0.3%,该项调整将从本周三开始实施。
From the long run, the tax system of the turnover tax should be perfected and the system of the tax of the stock exchange and stamp tax should be implemented. 从长远来看,我国应逐步完善证券流转税制,实行证券交易税和印花税兼征制度。
Unfortunately, with little effect the stamp tax declined generally due to the tense financial relationship between the central and local authorities and the intense opposition. 无奈清末中央与地方财政关系复杂,民间反对甚烈,印花税不得不日渐式微,成效不大。
Should it subject to stamp tax when transferring domestic shares in foreign countries? 在境外转让境内股权要缴印花税吗?
In a further move to bolster prices, the government is rumoured to be on the verge of reducing a stamp tax on transactions. 为了进一步稳定股价,有消息证实政府将下调印花税率。
Research on the Impacts of Adjustment of Stamp Tax of Securities Trade on the Stock Market 证券交易印花税调整对证券市场影响研究
And now the stamp tax has still some shortage, we should widen the base of the tax, charge the paying method to one-wayly paying and levy the stock exchange tax. 目前印花税仍然存在一些不足,建议:拓宽税基,改双向征税为单向征税,尽快开征股票交易税。
What is the time requirement for the stamp tax return? 印花税的申报期限是?
With the change of economic climate and the development of electronic commercial affairs, the current stamp tax should be adjusted. 随着经济环境的变化及电子商务的发展,我国现行印花税需做适当的调整。
That is to say, inafter one month aftesincer the end of a year, the branches shall declare and pay stamp tax to the Local Taxation bureaus. 即年度终了后1个月后,开行各分行向当地地方税务局申报缴纳印花税。
The tripling of the stamp tax, to 0.3%, makes the position of regulators abundantly clear. 印花税上调两倍,达到3%,这使得监管者的立场十分明确。
Can buy close fund, trade with the stock, but collect middleman's fee only, do not collect stamp tax. 可以买封闭基金,和股票一样交易,但只收佣金,不收印花税。
Poundage and stamp tax are deducted, buckle in your account. 手续费和印花税是扣的,在你的帐户里扣。
In our country, tax rate of stamp tax for stock exchange has a very strong meaning of macro-control. 在我国,证券交易印花税的税率变动具有很强的宏观调控含义。